I’ll never obtain Love… or will I?

BeachLove.  A term we all ponder on and hope to one day understand.  I’m curious if finding everlasting love is something that we must wait on, or if it is something that we can obtain right now? As a Christian I believe in predestination. This belief bleeds into every single detail of my life. I don’t believe anything happens by mistake, or that anything could somehow nudge its way off of Gods ultimate plan. I will not get into the ins-and-outs of predestination, but it is important in understanding our question of love.

Now, if everything is according to God’s plan then it should be my duty to wait for Him to send someone when He is ready. Wait for Him to send someone. Does waiting mean to truly step off of the sidewalk of life and find a nice green spot of grass to place the hands of time in? I do not believe so, when I think of waiting, I think it is pursuing what God pursues. This kind of waiting is meant for all of us. If we were to pursue what we wanted then I believe we would sell our-self short and end up settling for less than what God has for us.

So What Is Waiting Correctly?

Waiting correctly is like walking as though you were a blind person. Imagine a completely blind old man who is in his seventies walking down the sidewalks of a busy downtown metropolis. His only guidance is his belief that his next step will be successful, and the walking stick that guides those footsteps. As he travels across each intersection of rushing cars, he hopes that someone will help him. He knows that there is at least one person that will notice him and come to his side. For the stranger that comes will lay their hand on his arm with a warm hello. They will ask him about the fulfilling life he lived and all of the great journeys he had that led him to that one street intersection.

The old man was you and I. He is blind as we are. We often only use our eyes when we look to see. We think what we see is right, but in actuality we are truly blind. The old man’s foot steps are his heart. Each step we take should be a step lead by the decision of the great advice in our hearts. His walking stick is Christ. Christ should be something that walks ahead of us imprinting foot prints for us to step in during our travels. The old man’s knowing, is his faith in God. He is trusting that God will take him to where he needs to go. Finally, the stranger is the love of your life.

Obtaining Love.

It’s safe to say that this kind of waiting is actually “continuing on”. It isn’t just standing around with a smug attitude holding a handful of balloons pumped with air of hope. Love isn’t necessarily out of our reach although it may look like it.  We must combine ‘waiting’ and ‘controlling’ into the same thing. It is about waiting with intent to continue your walk with God and faith, knowing that eventually someone is going to step in your path.

There are people who will come into your life and are absolutely willing to help you across the road. It is safe to say that we are far too prideful to let them help. We believe that one day someone will pick us up at the corner of the intersection, and drive us to our destination. And if this were really the case for love, I wouldn’t want it. What kind of journey would that be? Love is meant to be a time consuming, taste every particle kind of thing.

Wedding momentsOpen your eyes. Do not settle, but open your eyes. While you are walking with a purpose to achieve what God is calling you to do, someone will be there along that journey. They will eventually come, and at that moment you must be willing to say, “Okay. You can grab my hand and we will take our next steps across this relentless road of danger.” I feel as though love is already under our nose for most of us. We just need to be willing to lay down our pride of saying no, and use our wisdom and discernment to make the best choice when it is given to us. But let’s say you are confident that THERE IS NO ONE, not a single person you could fall in-love with right now, or even in your past. Well then, take a step back, breathe, and remember your marriage you have with Christ. For the love and marriage on earth that we experience is just a bonus to our love and engagement with our King and almighty Love, Jesus Christ. Love is there. Most Certainly in God, and additionally in that stranger who is willing to take steps with you. Count your blessings before you try to discover new ones. You might find a blessing like a sentimental item that was hid away. Something you really have cherished but just didn’t see it. I think love is something we already have, and something we’re capable of obtaining.

About Miles

Sometimes there are too many questions in order to just accept one answer. One should never be afraid to ask anything, we must know why we choose what we choose. I think that would be the only way to find true joy in ones decisions.
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